what does the creature demand of victor?

2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. The creature relates what has happened to him since his abandonment, describing his time living in the hovel behind the cottage of the DeLaceys. In their hatred for one another, they are more closely bound together than ever before. Perhaps the avalanche, through nature, will assist Victor in getting rid of the monster or his own troubles. Anger, rage, and expects him to out lash on him. At length, Frankenstein is able (albeit through "the utmost self-violence") to control his desire to declare his guilt to the world. Caroline Beaufort: Died of scarlet fever. What does the creature say will happen if Victor creates a female for him? Use good and bad as adjectives. Victor says his passion for science has "chained him in an eternal hell.". It ends in Peth, Scotland, and Orkney Islands. Where do they go? "I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. The creature tells Victor: You must create a female for me with whom I can live in the interchange of those sympathies necessary for my being (Chapter 17). When he meets with Victor Frankenstein, the creature relates what has happened to him since his beginning. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Victor was the scientist who created the creature after harnessing the power of electricity and developing a secret technique from his studies in chemistry and other sciences.A common. 2023 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. What does the creature demand from Victor? If Victor refuses, however, the creature vows. What do your envision as a possible threat to the domination of creation by mankind? Walton cries over Victor's death and says his mind "is overshadowed by disappointment" in turning the ship around and admitting defeat. Though he is full of a great and indiscriminate love for humanity, feeling them to be "creatures of an angelic nature and celestial mechanism," he does not feel himself worthy of sharing in their intercourse. Do your duty towards me, and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind (Chapter 10). She tells him that he will be sorely punished for the murder that he has committed, and would be better off dead; she seems to take pleasure in her own hatefulness and cruelty. She only cares for his happiness and if Victor no longer wants to marry her she is okay with that. . These simple folk are celebrated in poems like "Michael" by Wordsworth and "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Gray. After reading Paradise Lost, why does the creature think he is like Adam in that book? their service, you plan to hold a picnic in your backyard. Victor is now indistinguishable from his creature: both are utterly bereft, loveless, and alone. _____Coach Ramirez debated whether to kick or to run. What happens when Victor brings his creation to life? Food is sometimes stolen, and shelter is scarce. 86. write the headings for each memo. He often feels that he will succumb to madness; at these times, only Elizabeth can soothe him. Frankenstein is enraged, and vows that he will devote himself to the creature's destruction. a. the daughter the Frankensteins adopted from the De Laceys. How many people die in the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley? The creature sees having a. At length, he hears a dreadful scream; too late, Victor realizes the enormity of his mistake. It no longer matters who occupies which position: each reciprocates the obsession of the other. Along the way, the monster is shot through the shoulder after he saves a little girl from drowning in a stream. Suspense and terror are created by the appearance of the monster. Montanvert fictitious mountain, possibly near Mont Blanc, translated means"Green Mountain.". You're in my head." The creature's laugh is like breaking glass. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. His father's presence is "like that of a good angel" for Victor; slowly, he begins to regain his health. What does the creature say will happen if Victor creates a female for him? The creature wants Victor to make a mate for him. Justine Moritz: Blamed for the murder of William and is executed for it. At first, Victor refuses, but through logical reasoning, the monster convinces Victor to create the female monster. The physician who is sent to examine Victor is equally careless and unfeeling. What do your envision as a possible threat to the domination of creation by mankind? He also. He also prepares with weapons to battle against the creature. Before leaving Geneva, however, he visits the graves of his family. He immediately asks after the safety of Elizabeth and Ernest, and the elder Frankenstein assures him they are all well. How did Safie come to find and join them? After fleeing the city and villages where he is not welcomed, the monster learns to live in the forest. He also speaks of himself as a "fallen angel," much like Satan in Paradise Lost. take place on October 1, 20, from 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. You are writing a Thus, Victor and his views on the monster correlate to this Romantic viewpoint. eNotes Editorial, 17 Jan. 2010, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-argument-does-creature-offer-support-ofhis-130883. The creature demands that Victor make him a woman. A crew of local fishermen found the victim, a young man of about twenty-five years of age. How have the powers of human reasoning been weakened? It is a daily record that contains personal activities, otherwise known as a diary.. How is she responsible for the family's circumstances? b. The roles are reversed. Elizabeth Lavenza: Killed by the creature. After this, he demands that Victor create a companion for him. The creature wants Victor to create a companion for him. Removing #book# GradeSaver, 12 June 2015 Web. bookmarked pages associated with this title. Who is the woman? This could possibly signal a confrontation with the monster, because throughout the book, Shelley has used the weather as a signal. He has created a being who delights in bloodshed, and thus deserves only abhorrence and hatred. The test had a section on The Aftermath of the Civil War, the chapter we studied last week. A Region 1 made-on-demand DVD-R, sourced from a high-definition master, was released in 2011 by MGM. He begs Walton to kill the creature if he shows himself to him no matter how eloquent and persuasive he seems. What else does the creature read and what does he learn from it? What does the creature say he will do while Victor is at work? On the answer line, write the word from the vocabulary list that fits each definition. It reflects on Shelley's written context about how Percy had left his wife for Mary. How does Safie's presence improve his education? ", Latest answer posted October 03, 2020 at 1:06:53 PM. Henry Clerval for a little bit and the creature because he is watching Victor. Select the details you need; then Add quotation marks where they are needed in the following sentences. Walton returns because the voyage is too dangerous and some of his crew has died. The creature tries to save a drowning girl and when the girl's companion sees the monster, the man shoots at the monster. Victor seems ready to engage in a combat to the death, but the monster convinces Victor to listen to his story. The creature encounters a small boy and wants to take the child and raise him not to hate the monster. Each of his attempts to withdraw into death or madness is thwarted, however: Victor is "doomed" to stay alive until his destiny has been completed. In a search for food and shelter, the monster encounters young William Frankenstein and kills him. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Five questions let you know in a flash if you have a good grasp of the major points of these chapters. A female companion with the same defects What demand does the creature make of Victor? How have the powers of human reasoning been weakened? Removing #book# Does this seem true? 2023 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Volume 1: Letters 14 Summary and Analysis, Volume 1: Chapters 1 and 2 Summary and Analysis, Volume 1: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Summary and Analysis, Volume 1: Chapters 6 and 7 Summary and Analysis, Volume 2: Chapters 1 and 2 Summary and Analysis, Volume 2: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Summary and Analysis, Volume 2: Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 Summary and Analysis, Volume 3: Chapters 1 and 2 Summary and Analysis, Volume 3: Chapters 3 and 4 Summary and Analysis, Volume 3: Chapters 5 and 6 Summary and Analysis, Essential Quotes by Character: Victor Frankenstein, Critical Survey of Science Fiction and Fantasy Frankenstein Analysis, Masterplots II: Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series Frankenstein Analysis, Masterpieces of Women's Literature Frankenstein Analysis, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Volume 1: Letters 1-4 Questions and Answers, Volume 1: Chapters 1 and 2 Questions and Answers, Volume 1: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Questions and Answers, Volume 1: Chapters 6 and 7 Questions and Answers, Volume 2: Chapters 1 and 2 Questions and Answers, Volume 2: Chapters 3, 4, and 5 Questions and Answers, Volume 2: Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapters 1 and 2 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapters 3 and 4 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapters 5 and 6 Questions and Answers, Volume 3: Chapter 7 Questions and Answers. The monster finds Justine sleeping in a barn and plants the necklace in her pocket. 78. They soon discover that Victor's client has also vanished. Who is Victor accused of murdering when he comes ashore? Someone just like him that understands him and will love him like the rest of the world can't. The creature demands that Victor make him a woman . What response does he expect from the creature? Answers 1. Plutarch's Lives, Goethe's Sorrows of Werter, and Milton's Paradise Lost He learns of man's cruel history of war, of man's sad nature and the noble thoughts of man in Paradise Lost. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. He falls upon her body and takes it in his arms. Here, we can see that he has forsaken his former selfishness: though he often longs for death, he forces himself to overcome this self-serving impulse in the hopes of keeping his surviving family from harm. In Frankenstein, the creature convinces Victor to make him a mate by appealing to his pity and his fear. Asked by travis h #290881 10 years ago 12/13/2012 12:51 PM. Best Answer. The creature says he at first found virtue appealing and hoped he would find someone to love him. He adds. This small family exhibits the devotion, love, and care that all families should strive to achieve. Chun's lair within the Old Town is known as the Place of Whispers. memo today to invite all employees and their families to the picnic. He makes an eloquent case for his lonely state, rejected by all of humanity. What is Victor's reason for not telling others about the monster in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley? The monster learns about families and their love for one another. How dare you sport thus with life? Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# The creature was filled with rage and loathsomeness asked himself if he was a monster back then. Throughout the winter, he lives in a small hut in Montavert. Why did he keepit from the other characters (e.g. Alphonse Frankenstein: Died of old age and illness. He believes that while some may pity him, he does not pity himself and instead he hates himself and the actions he has taken. 89. This is the first time he feels love and he, "felt sensations of a peculiar and overpowering nature; they were a mixture of pain and pleasure, such as I had never before experienced, either from hunger or cold, warmth or food; and I withdrew from the window, unable to bear these emotions." Stphane's least favorite cousin, Charles. How long do Victor and Henry stay in London? Tortured by the knowledge that he is the "true murderer of William and Justine," Victor Frankenstein returns to nature for a sublime experience of the feeling of awe, hope, and ecstasy in the valley of Chamounix. Tells him that if he does the creature will move away and never hurt anyone again hovel a small shed for sheltering animals or storing supplies. Victor has been hiking and resting in Geneva. Upon seeing the creature traversing the ice on a dogsled, Frankenstein weeps tears of hope and joy. While on the glacier, the monster confronts his maker. True or False: The De Laceys were of noble birth, The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child, The Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. What did Safie's mother teach her daughter to value? Latest answer posted March 01, 2018 at 11:13:44 PM, In what chapter of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is the following quote found? Strangely enough, this final chapter of Victor's narration, in which he is suffering a decline, finds him more dynamic than he has been since the days of his first experiment. He promises Victor that if he creates a woman for him, no other human being will ever see him again. Night has fallen by the time Victor and Elizabeth land on the shores of Como. The Romantics celebrated the common folk in their works. The creature leaves food for Victor to keep up his strength. He wants to gather up materials to create a female companion for the creature. 72. The creature offers to leave Victor and his friends and family alone if he will comply with his conditions. There is great irony in Victor's inability to recognize the monster's true intentions. There is a certain irony in Victor's being cleared of murder. He wants to help the progress of the English empire in India. 90. A biographic story that explains the influence between good and bad. In a certain sense, the creature has finally succeeded in gaining the companionship he always desired. They sail to Evian to spend the night after their wedding. It was Henry who helped to focus Victor's attentions on the world beyond the purview of science; it was he who enabled Victor to delight in the simple pleasures of nature. What is the creature trying to do when he plucks the young girl out of the water? He pleads, "I am thy creature: I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed." Does Ramona Singer have a new mystery man? He is on the brink of death when Walton's ship appears in the distance. Very effective. They return to Geneva and the marriage will take place in ten days. The creature is shunned by his own creator, even though he means well. What do you make of his talk of slavery? If a sentence is correct, write correct on the line./ He falls asleep on the boat and causes him to go off path. The creature then offers his ultimatum, and Victor listens because he feels that as the creator, he has some duty to the creature before he "complains of his wickedness." What does the creature say he will do as Victor fulfills his promise? They saw the farmer and the laborer as the best in man. Where does he live throughout the winter? Their father, now blind, is the children's source of joy and inspiration. How does Victor appear and respond to his family when he returns home? With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. The son of a human lighthouse keeper and Atlanna, queen of Atlantis, Curry is portrayed as a reluctant hero. Victor's father, Alphonse, believes Victor may have fallen out of love with Elizabeth over time. At the end of Frankenstein, who says this: "But soon I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt. 73. He cries out that he is a murderer, and begs his attendants to aid him in apprehending the monster. What language does he learn? How does Victor appear and respond to his family when he returns home? The creature leaves food for Victor to keep up his strength. The monster speaks eloquently enough to convince Victor to calm down and hear his case. 3 of 5. Where does Victor go to complete his new project? 1. Did you hear that Luis hes my brothers friend was accepted at Harvard?_____. The creature persuaded the old man with his words . He provides Frankenstein with food and advises him to prepare himself for the intolerable cold of the North: it is into these icy wastelands that the creature intends to lead him. The god Prometheus gave technology and fire to humans so they may advance in life. Shelley makes the reader want to see the monster as a maligned creature, worthy of understanding. Add Yours. Says he will not do it. Accessed 4 Mar. In exchange for allowing Safie to marry him, what does Mr. Delacy demand of Felix? Victor follows the creature into the Arctic Circle with a dog sled. How does the creature react when he first sees his own reflection?

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what does the creature demand of victor?